What's it for?
Blank Display is intended to provide helpful features for the setup of interactive web exhibits or displays.
Custom Color
You can use a URL parameter to set the background to a custom hex color.
The parameter accepts 3 or 6 character format for hex colors. Do not include the octothorpe (#).
example: https://blankdisplay.com?color=32CD32
Hide Welcome Message
The welcome message will automatically fade out over ~7 seconds when it is present.
Include the parameter 'noWelcome' to prevent the welcome message from appearing.
example: https://blankdisplay.com?noWelcome&color=fff
Cursor Hiding
The cursor will automatically hide after ~2 seconds and will appear again when it is moved.
Include the parameter 'noCursor' to prevent the cursor from appearing.
example: https://blankdisplay.com?noWelcome&noCursor